[1] Within twoo dayes after his returne to Ied|worth, Monſieur de Deſſe diſlodged frõ thence,An other made by Mõ|ſieur de Deſse. and taking with him foure fielde peeces and all his men of warre, entred into Englande, tooke the caſtell of Fourd,Fourd caſtell wonne. and brent it with ten ſmall villages in the coũtrey thereabout, ſituate with|in halfe a myle eche of other. There was one tower yet parcell of that caſtel of Fourd,Thomas Car. which was kepte by Thomas Car, ſo that the French men could not winne it, for they had no time to ſtay long about it, remouing that night ouer the water, and encamped there within the Scottiſh grounde.