[1] Within twoo dayes after, they goyng foorth to vew the ſorte, were in daunger to haue bene caught ere they coulde get backe againe, for the Engliſhmen and Lanſquenetz that were there with them (parte of Conrad Phennings hãdes) iſſued forth, & droue them to retyre, not without danger to haue bene diſtreſſed,The Reine+graue. if the Reingraue had not vſed the greater policie in retyring the troupe. To be ſhort, Monſieur de Deſſe to ſtop the Engliſhmen from entring any further into the countrey on that ſide, lefte .vij. enſeignes of Frenchmen,Dundee forti|fied by the Frenchmen. & two enſeignes of Scottes within Dundee, with artillerie & Pioners to fortifie the town, & to keepe it in ſafetie frõ the Engliſhmẽ.