[1] After the departure of Monſieur Dandelot, Monſieur de la Chapelle de Biron remayned Coronell of the French footemen in Scotland. As to the furniture on the water there remained now but foure Galeys vnder the guiding of one capitayne Bache an Italian,Capitayne Bache. a man of great ex|perience and approued ſkill. For ye muſt vnder|ſtand, that before the arriuall of the Engliſh na|uie and armie to the ſuccours of them in Ha|dington,Monſieur de Mallerie vice Admirall of Fraunce. Monſieur de Mallerie vice Admirall of Fraũce returned home with the fleete of ſhips yt had brought the French armie into Scotlãd.