[1] After this Monſieur de Deſſe reyſed from Muſkelbourgh, and commyng to Lieth ſette in hande to fortifie that towne.Leith fortified The Marſhall Strozzi, and Monſieur Dandelot, with diuers other Capitaynes embarqued themſelfes in the Galey that yet remayned, tooke their courſe to returne into Fraunce, one of the ſame Galeys (they beyng eight in number,A galley takẽ. beſide a foyſt and a Brigandine) was taken by an Engliſh ſhippe called the Faucon, as ſhee paſſed through the [page 476] narrow ſeas at a place named the Southfur|long, ſhe beyng alone as it chanced the hinder|moſt of all the companie.