[1] But now to the doyngs in Scotlande con|cerning ye warres there, after that ye ſiege of Ha|dington was reyſed by the Engliſhe armie as before ye haue hearde, the Frenchmenne there|vpon retyred themſelfes vnto Muſkelbourgh, and chooſing foorth a plot of grounde for theyr aduãtage,The Frẽchmẽ campe at Muskelburgh kept themſelfes within the ſame, and herewith there came to them a fiftene thouſande Scottiſhmen to aſſiſte them, ſo that when the Engliſhmen came forewardes to aſſayle them, they found them ſo ſtrongly embattayled, that whether their cõmiſſion did not ſo farre extend, or whether they had no likyng of the matche, [...]e more her| [...] England. they forbare to ſet vpon them in that ground of ſo great diſauantage for the aſſaylantes, & ſo re|turned back to Hadington, & after homewards, hauing furniſhed the towne with newe ſupplies of men, munition, and vitayles ſufficient.