[1] [2] The French [...]aleys com| [...]de about the [...]me of Scot+lande by Dun| [...]ie head.This iourney he fortunately atchieued, the ſame neuer afore that tyme to mans remem|brance beyng made or attempted with Galeys. At his arriuall at Dunbretayne, he founde all things ready prouided neceſſary for the enbar|quyng of the Queene, that he might conuey hir into Fraunce, for the accompliſhment whereof he had taken that iourney in hande. Herevpon ſhe beyng brought aborde into the Kings owne Galey,Monſieur de [...]zze. wherein Monſieur de Brezze was alſo appoynted to be abourde with hyr, as hee that had bene ſent with expreſſe commaundement to ſee hir conueyed into Fraunce, who togither with Villegaignon ſhewed ſuch diligẽce in at|chieuyng that enterpriſe,The yong [...]ne of [...] cõueyed to Fraunce that finally they arri|ued with proſperous winde and weather in the hauen of Breſt in Brytaine with that yong Queene, beyng as then betwixte fiue and ſixe yeares of age.