[1] [page 475] But this is to be remẽbred, that whyleſt the ſiege remayned at Hadyngton, by a conuention or aſſemble of the Lordes it was decreed, that the Queene ſhoulde be ſente into Fraunce, [...]r Nicholas [...]e Villegaig|non. and therevpõ Monſieur de Villegaignon with foure Galleys departing from Leith, made ſemblance as though he would haue ſayled into Fraunce, but hauyng paſſed the mouth of the Fourth he turned his courſe on the left hand to paſſe alõgſt the ſhoere Northward by the Germayne ſeas, yt compaſſing the lande on the Eaſt ſide, he might paſſe about by the Iſles of Orkney, and ſo by the Weſt Iſles till he came to Dunbretayne where the yong Queene lay.