[1] There were at the firſt euill newes ſpredde abrode, and certified to the court of England of this iourney, howe the Erle of Lennox and the Engliſh army was ouerthrowẽ, ſo that it was by order appoynted, that the Erle of Derby, the Lords Scroupe, & Coniers, with their powers ſhould repayre to the Weſt borders to garniſhe the ſame for defence agaynſt the enimies: but vpon the true reporte how the mater had paſſed, made by Maſter Henry Wharton, and one Bi|ſhop a Scottiſhman, ſent in poſt for that pur|poſe, that appoyntment was ſlayed, and maſter Wharton was at that time made Knight, and the ſayde Biſhop richely rewarded for bringing ſo good newes. Herewith were letters directed downe from the counſell to the Lorde Whar|ton,Pledges exe|cuted. for the executiõ of certaine pledges, to witte the maſter of Maxwels pledge beyng one of his neareſt kinſmen, of the houſe of the Herries, alſo the Warden of the Grey friers in Dunfreis, the Vicar of Earlauerock, and diuers other whiche were executed at Carlile.