[1] In thys meane whyle, the Gouernoure ha|uing helde ſiege before the Caſtell of Brough|tie Crag, by the ſpace of thirtie daies, and nowe retiring from thence (as before yee haue hearde) by the aduice of the principall Lordes aboute hym, hee cauſed Maiſter Iames Halibourton,Iames Hol [...]|burton. Captayne Lei [...]mouth. tutor of thoſe parties, to reyſe certaine compa|nies of Horſemen, and appoynted hym wyth Captaine Leiremouth (whome he left in Dun|dee with certayne footemenne) to defende the Countrey againſte the Engliſhmenne, if they iſſued forthe of Broughtie crag, to atchieue anye enterpriſe anye where neere therea|boutes.