[1] The Prior of Whiterne.Moreouer, the Prior of Whiterne by hys letters and meſſengers, offered himſelfe to obey the King of Englande: and the inhabitantes of the burroughe and hauen townes of Wigton and Kirckowbre, the Knightes of Loghinwar and Garleis, the Laird and tutor of Bomby, ye Lairde of Cardines, and all the Gentlemen of Annandale, Nideſdale, and Galloway, euen to Whiterne, beeyng .80. myles in length from Carelile, through the inducemente of the fore|ſayd Prior, and of the Knightes of Loghinwar and Garleis (for the fauor they bare to ye Earle of Lennox) within two dayes after the diſconfi|ture of Drumlanrig, came vnto Dunfreis, and there receyued an oth to be true to the Kyng of Englande, and afterwardes wente with the Earle vnto Carelile, leauing the Countrey in good quiet, and the King of England acknow|ledged for Lorde of Galloway, Nideſdale, and Annandale by the inhabitants thereof.