[1] [2] The gouernour perceyuing thus that with|out the aſſiſtance of Fraunce hee ſhould not be able to reſiſt the Engliſhmen, hauing now gote ſuch foote hold within the Realme of Scotland,The Gouer|nours ſuite the Queene Dowager, an [...] to the French Ambaſsador required the Queene Dowager, and Monſieur Doyſell, Liger Ambaſſador for the Frenche Kyng to perſwade with him by letters, to ſend an army into Scotland, to the aide of his friẽds there. The Queene, and Monſieur Doyſell, perceyuing a ready way prepared to bring that to paſſe which they moſt deſired, which was, to haue the Queene of Scotlande ordred in all things by the Frenche Kyngs aduice, they vn|dertooke to procure an army out of Fraunce, according to the gouernours deſire,The Queene Dowager p [...]|miſeth ayde out of Fraunce with condition. if hee wyth the ſtates of the Realme woulde agree that the Queene myghte bee ſente into Fraunce, and a contract made for hir beſtowing in marriage, as ſtoode with the French Kings pleaſure. The Gouernour condiſcending heerevnto, aſſembled the ſtates, and by their aduiſes, paſſed certayne couenantes to the effect aforeſayd, and ſente the ſame in writing by certayne meſſengers into Fraunce.