[1] [2] [3] The Earle of Huntley and the reregarde ſtoode ſtill with their enſignes and banners, tyll the chaſe was paſt by them, but at length were driuen to make away as well as the reſt, and the Earle himſelfe in the retire beeing taken a|foote, [...] Earle of [...] ta| [...] priſoner. well clad in gilte armour enameled, was ledde priſoner to the Lorde Protector. Dyuers other menne of name, Barons, and Knightes, were taken priſoners. There were ſlayne no ſmall number of perſonages of good accompte. Among other, the Lorde Fleming, the Maiſter of Erſkin, the Maiſter of Graham, the Maiſter of Meffyne, [...] of name [...]s [...]. the Maiſter of Ogiluy, the Mai|ſter of Leuingſton, the M. of Ros, the Larde of Lochinwar, the Larde of Glencarnocke, and others. The next day, the Engliſh army remo|ued to Leith, where the Priſoners were put in|to a Church, diuers of them beeing ſore woun|ded, [...]e Earle of [...]ye [...]| [...] [...]nde [...] Coun| [...]men. but the Earle of Huntley entring bond for them that they ſhould well and truely pay their raunſomes agreed vpon betwixt them and their takers, or elſe to come and preſent themſelues priſoners in England by a certaine daye, they were ſuffered to depart. The Gouernour eſca|ping from the battayle, came to Striueling, where the Queene Regent was, [...] Queene [...] Striueling. togyther with hir daughter the yong Queene. Heere by the counſell and aduiſe of the Earle of Angus, and dyuers other Lords that were alſo withdrawẽ thither after the battayle, they were conueyd to the Countrey of Menteith, where they remay|ned in the Abbey of Inch Mahome, til the En|gliſh armye was departed out of the Realme, and then they remoued agayne, and came to Striueling.