[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Heere we haue to vnderſtãd, that the Scots light Horſemen oftentimes woulde come pric|king almoſt within theyr ſtaues length of the Engliſhmen as they marched, whoouping & ſhouting, to the ende they mighte trayne them forth frõ their ſtrẽgth, and with rayling words would ſtil be in hand to prouoke thẽ therto,The goodnes of the Scottiſh horſemen fea|red of the En|gliſhemenne. The Lorde Grey deſireth to encounter the Scottiſh horſemenne. but the D. of Somerſet doubting the goodneſſe of thoſe Scottiſh prickers, gaue ſecret cõmandmẽt that no offer of ſkirmiſh by the Scottiſh Horſ|men ſhould be taken but at length the L. Grey of [...]tou, not well able to beare ſuch bold pre|ſumption in the Scots, aduẽturing as he tooke it ouer raſhly, & more thã ſtood with their owne ſuretie, made ſute to the D. of Somerſet, that if they continued in ſuch brauerie, it mighte bee lawfull for him to ſet them further off. The D. at the firſt would by no meanes aſſent thereto, telling the L. Grey, that hys deſire proceeded more of a iolitie of courage, than of any know|ledge of the enimie, and ſeemed to defende the goodneſſe of the Scottiſh Horſemen, but when the L. Grey perſiſted in his ſute, and the Earle of Warwike aſſiſted his requeſt the Duke in the ende yeelded thereto. Heerevppon when the Scottes the next time, whiche was on the Fri|day the ninth of September came forth to offer the ſkirmiſh after their wonted manner, the L. Grey taking with him certayne hands of Horſ|menne both menne of armes, Demilaunces, [page 468] and alſo lighte Horſemenne, deuided them in troupes, appoynting the Spaniſh and Italian hagbutters on Horſebacke to keepe on a wing, and to ga [...]d the hindermoſt troupe of the En|gliſh Horſemenne, giuing order to the leaders of euery troupe,Order gyuen by the Lorde Grey. that to which ſo euer the enimie ſhould once offer, in any wiſe that no aunſwer by ſkirmiſhe were made them, but after they had drawen them to their accuſtomed play, and proffer of charge, that troupe that it was offe|red vnto, preſently vppon the enimies wheeling about ſhould throughly gyue it them, and that ſo giuen, the nexte troupe preſently to giue it in the face, and ſo as occaſion required, both thoſe troupes wholly togyther to help other without breaking. The Scottes comming forward, pricking and whoouping after their olde wont, the Engliſhmen forbare a great whyle, tyll at the laſt, four or fyue hundred of them comming ſkattered vppon the ſpurre, with a maruellous ſhoute within their ſtaues length of the fore|moſt troupe, and thinking then to haue wheeled about,Nicholas Gayneſford. Maiſter Nicholas Gayneſford, the lea|der of that troupe, and Lieutenant of the Lorde Greys band of his men of armes of Bulloigne, cryed a charge, whyche as ſpeedily on the En|gliſh parte as vnlooked for of the Scottes bee|ing giuen, from charging at that time in ſport, the Scoties wer driuen to gallop away ſo faſt, as theyr Horſes myghte beare them,The Scottes Horſemen put to flight. loſing of their companyes that were taken and ſlayne to the number of an eyght hundred or more (as ſome haue written) but yet as dyuers of the Engliſhmen aduentured too farre in following the chaſe, they were diſtreſſed, and ſundrye of them taken priſoners, among the whiche were ſome of theyr Captaynes, as Sir Raufe Bul|mer,Engliſh Cap|taynes taken. Thomas Gower, and Robert Crouche, eache of them hauing in charge the leading of ſeueral bandes of lighte Horſemenne. Thus muche for this Fridayes ſkirmiſh, wherein the chiefeſt force of the Scottiſh Horſemen was de|feated, to the great diſcouragement of the reſt. But nowe to proceede to the chiefeſt poynt of the Scottes infortunate proceedings. True it is (as the Scottes haue reported) that the Go|uernoure,The Scottes meant not to haue gyuen battayle. and the nobilitie of Scotland meant not to hazarde battayle within theyr owne Realme, but rather to lye ſtyll and defend their ground, if the Engliſhmenne ſhoulde come for|warde to gyue them battayle there.