[1] [2] The thirtith of May the Cardinall beeyng within his Caſtell of S. Andrewes, certaine of his owne friends as he tooke them, to wit. Nor|man, Lord Leſſie, William Kirkandie, ye yong Lard of Grange, with ſixteene choſen men, en|tred the Caſtell very ſecretely in the morning, tooke the [...]orter, and all the Cardinals ſeruãts, thruſting them out of the place by a poſterne gate, and that done, paſſing to hys Chamber [page 466] where he lay in bedde, as hee gote vp, and was opening his Chamber dore,The Cardinall of S Andrewes murthered. they ſlew him, and ſeiſed vpon the artillerie and munition, where|with that fortreſſe was right plentifully furni|ſhed, and likewiſe with rich hangings, houſhold ſtuffe of all ſortes, apparell, copes, iewells, or|naments of Churches, great ſtore of golde and ſiluer plate, beſide no ſmall quantitie of treaſure in ready coyne. Sir Iames Leiremouth Pro|uoſt of Saint Andrewes, aſſembled all ye people of that Towne for the reſene of the Cardinall, after he heard that the conſpirators were entred the Caſtel, but they ſhewed the dead body of the Cardinall ouer the walles, as a ſpectacle to the people, and ſo they made no further atttempte, ſith they ſawe no meane how to remedie or re|uenge the matter at that preſent. The cauſe that moued the conſpirators thus to kyll the Cardinall, was thought to be partly in reuenge of the brenning of M. George Wiſthart, fea|ring to be ſerued with the ſame ſauſe, and in the ende to bee made to drinke of the ſame cuppe. Partly alſo it was thoughte they attempted it through counſell of ſome greate menne of the Realme, that hadde conceyued ſome deadly ha|tred againſt him.