[1] The firſt proofe he attempted to ſhew of hys ſeruice in the King of Englands behalfe, was this, hauing inſtructions thereto from the Erle of Lennox, vnder colour of a conference, for matters touching the eſtate of the Countrey, he had ſuborned one of his aliance and ſeruantes, called ye Clane Reignald, [...] Rey [...] ſlayeth [...] Lorde [...]. to entrappe the Erles of Arguile and Huntley, and although they eſ|caped very narrowly, the Lord Louet an aun|tient Baron, and greate friende to thoſe two Earles, was ſlayne by the ſayd Clane, togyther with ſeauen hundred of his kinſmen and friẽds, in ſo muche, that there remayned not but one yong boy of that lignage to ſucceede in that Lords lands.