[1] [2] In Aprill William Steward biſhop of A|berden likewiſe deceaſed, and maſter William Gordon Chãcellor of Murray, vncle to George Erle of Huntley, was by the Cardinals ſuyte promoted to that ſee, greatly to the diſpleaſure of the Erle of Angus that laboured to haue pre|ferred an other thereto. For this & other cauſes the Cardinal was greatly in hatred of ye Dow|glaſſes. This yeere alſo Montgomery other|wiſe called Monſier de Lorges,Monſieur de Lorges ſent into Scotland. knight of the or|der of S. Michael, was ſent by the French king with iiij. thouſand Frenchmen into Scotlande to aſſiſt the Scottes againſt England, he lan|ded at Dunbertayne, and came in good order to Edenburgh the xiij. of May: he brought with him from the French king the order of S. Mi|chaell, to inueſt therewith the, Lord gouernour,Knights of Michaels [...]|der. the Erles of Angus, Huntley, and Argile. Her|with alſo was an army of Scottes reyſed, and ioyning with the Frenchmen, they approched ye bordures where they lay for a ſeaſon,An army of Scots lieth the bordure. but the Erle of Hertford Lieutenant generall of the North partes comming downe, tooke ſuch dire|ction for the ſafe keeping of the Engliſh bor|dures, that after the Scottes had layne there in campe a certayne ſpace without atchieuing a|ny great enterprice, though ſome notable exploit was looked for to haue bene attempted by them at that preſent, they brake vp theyr armie and returned home.