[2] To conclude, after the Erle of Lennox and his company had atchieued theſe
enterpriers a|fore mencioned, he returned towards England, and ſente ſir Peter
Mewtas knight,Sir Peter Mewtas. and Tho|mas Biſhoppe
a Scottiſh gentleman, to aduer|tiſe the King of Englande of his proceedings,
who found him at the ſiege of Bulloigne, where they declared to him the whole
circumſtance of euery thing as the ſame had paſſed in the Erles iourney, which
the king tooke in very good part. And vpon his returne into England, after the
cõqueſt of Bullongne, the Erle of Lennox was alſo called home to the Courte by
letters to him directed, he beyng then at Bryſtow. About the middeſt of
1545. Sir Rau [...]e E|vers inuadeth Scotland.