[1] In this meane time alſo there came from the Bordures by lande foure thouſande of Engliſh horſemenne, vnder the conduction of the Lorde William Evers, & his ſonne ſir Raufe Evers, who ioyning with the army at Leith, ſkoured the countrey on euery ſide the towne of Eden|burgh, finally after that the Engliſh army had layne in Leith a certayne ſpace,Leith brent. they brent that towne alſo, and ſent their ſhippes away fraught with pillage & ſpoyles (got aſwell in that towne as in Edenburgh, and abrode in the countrey) backe towardes England. And therewith the Erle of Hertford, the Lord Admirall and others returned by land through the coũtry vnto Bar|wike, as in the Engliſhe hiſtorie more at large appeareth. Whyleſt the Engliſhe army was thus occupied in that part of Scotlãd the Erle [page 462] of Lennox with an army of menne whiche he had rayſed was ready to come on the backes of the Gouernour and his adherentes,The Erle of Lennox. if they had aſſembled their forces and come forewarde to haue gyuen the Engliſh men battayle. For all this ſeaſon the ciuill contention ſtill conti|newed, and ſundry conflictes and ſkirmiſhes chanced betwixt the parties.