[1] [2] The Lorde Gouernour beyng at that pre|ſent within the towne of Edenburgh, hearyng of their arriuall wente foorth of the towne ac|companied with the Cardinall, the Erles of Huntley, Argyle, Bothwell and others, pur|poſing to ſtoppe theyr landing, but perceyuing the puyſance of the aduerſaries to be ſuche, as they coulde not reſiſt the ſame,The Prouoſt Edenburgh [...] to the [...] of Hert| [...]d. they returned to Edenburgh agayne, and ſente Maiſter Adam Otterburn prouoſt of Edenburgh, and twoo of the Bayliſes to the Erle of Hertforde, to vnder|ſtande the cauſe of his comming, and withall offered, that if there were any iniuries or wrõgs done by any of the Scottes nation, hee woulde appoynt Commiſſioners to talke with ſuche as by him ſhoulde be authorized thereto, for the full anſwearing thereof, and to that effect he woulde gladly receyue them into the towne of Eden|burgh.The Erles an| [...]e. The Erle of Hertford anſweared that he had no commiſſion to talke of any ſuche mater, but rather to take reuenge of the vniuſt dealing and breache of promiſe on thoſe that had falſi|fied their fayth. And therfore minding to burne the towne of Edenburgh as wel as other with|in that realme, hee witted the inhabitantes and all thoſe that were within the ſame to come foorth, and ſubmitte themſelues before him the kings Lieutenant, to ſtand vnto the Kings will and pleaſure, or els he would not fall to proceede in execution thereof. The Prauoſt anſwered that he would rather abyde all extremities than to accompliſhe his requeſt and deſire in that be|halfe, and therevpon returned to the towne.