[1] [2] The Erle of Lennox came vnto Edinburgh to ye Gouernor,The Erle of Lennox com|meth to the gouernour. but within ſixe dayes after they went bothe to Lithquo, from whence the Erle of Lennox ſecretely departed from the Gouer|nour without biddyng him farewell,

He departed from him a|gayne.

He fortifieth Gl [...]ſquo.

and com|ming to Glaſquo, fortified both the Caſtell and Steeple there with menne and munition. The Gouernour aduertiſed thereof, paſſed thither with the power of the whole realme, entred the towne, aſſieged the Caſtell and ſteeple whiche he wanne, hanged certen Gentlemen whiche he tooke there to the number of ſixteene,Glaſquo wõ [...] by the gouer|nour. and pardo|ned the other inferiour Souldiours. The Erle of Lennox withdrewe into Dunbertayne. The Erle of Angus, and the Lorde Maxwell hea|ryng of thys ſturre, came vnto the Gouernour vnto Glaſquo before the ſiege was layde, to in|treate of ſome accorde betwixte him and the Erle of Lennox.The Erle of Angus, and the Lorde Maxwell co|mitted to warde. But the Gouernour cauſed them both to be ſecretly conueyed frõ the coun|ſell by the backſide of the blacke Fryers of Glaſ|quo, vnto the Eaſtell of Hamilton, and from thence the Erle was ſente to Blackneſſe. The Lorde Maxwell was kepte ſtill in holde at Hamilton, and George Dowglas, and the Maſter of Glencarne in Edenburgh Caſtell: theſe perſons thus impryſoned ſtoode in greate doubte of theyr lyues as ſome ſuppoſed, but as diuers other did ſuſpect, they were rather com|mitted [page 461] for a colour than for any euill that was meant towarde them.

[...] [...]yng of [...] Erle, of [...] [...]e.


The Erle of [...] ſen| [...] to the [...]g of En|gland.