[1] The Erle of Lennox therefore,The Erle of Lennox ſay|eth an army rayſing & power of menne of warre with the aſſiſtaunce of the Lordes of his faction, came with them vnto Leith agaynſt the Gouernour, that was then in Edenburgh: but through the diligent trauayle of the Cardinall, the Erles of Hunt|ley, Murrey, and Argyle, the matter was ta|ken vp and an appoyntment accorded:An appoint|ment taken. ſo that ſir George Dowglas was deliuered as a pledge for his brother the Erle of Angus, the Maſter of Glencarne,Pledges deli|uered. for his father the Erle of Glen|carne, the Abbot Caſiaghole, for his brother the Erle of Caſſilles, to remayne in ſafe keepyng where it pleaſed the Gouernour to appoynt.