[1] [2] And here is to bee noted that a little before that the Erle of Arrane reuolted to the French parte,French ſhips arriuyng in the riuer of Clyde. there were arryued in the mouth of the riuer of Cloyde on the weſt coaſte fiue ſhippes which the Frenche King had ſent to the ayde of his freendes in Scotland, vnder the conduction of Iames Stewarde of Cardonold, and of the forenamed Monſieur de la Broſſe, and Mon|ſieur Menage, the French kings Ambaſſadors, There came with them alſo the Patriache of Apulia, of whome ye haue lykewiſe hearde be|fore, they had brought aboorde in theſe ſhippes fifty thouſande Crownes, and munition to the value of tenne thouſand Crownes. The Erle of Lennox therefore when he firſt reſolued to turne to the Engliſhe parte, with the aduiſe of his confederates, ſeyſed vpon thoſe ſhippes,The Erle of Lẽnox ſeaſ [...] vpõ the Frẽch ſhippes. got the fiftie thouſand Crownes, and the moſt parte of the munition into his handes: and brought it to the Caſtell of Dunhertayne, re|teyning it to his owne vſe, where it was ſente to haue bene employed to the maintenaunce of the Frenche faction, agaynſt the King of En|gland and the Lordes that leaned to his ſide.