[1] He renoũceth his ſeruice to the French kyng.In conſideration whereof, he renounced his ſeruice, willing him from thencefoorth not to looke for the ſame any more at his handes. Herewith Leuenax ioynyng himſelfe with the Erles of Angus, Caſſil [...]s, and Glencarne, the Lords Maxwell, and Someruille, the Sheriffe of Ayre, the Larde of Drumlanrig and other of that ſide, called the Engliſh Lordes, ſet him|ſelfe agaynſt the Gouernour, the Cardinall and others of that faction,Ciuill diſſen|tiõ in Scotlãd. ſo that the reſidue of this yeare was ſpente in ciuill diſſention betweene them.