[1] Thus was euery thing ordered as ſeemed to ſtand with the pleaſure of the Cardinall: wher|vpon the Erle of Lennox perceyuyng how vn|curteouſly he was vſed,The Erle of Lennox his diſpleaſure. to haue his aduerſary thus confirmed in aucthoritie by the French|ſide, and himſelfe reiected, he firſte ſente to the Frenche King, infourmyng him throughly of the iniuries to him done, putting him in remem|brance of the promiſes made to him when hee departed from him: alſo the conſtantneſſe of his ſeruice, the haſarde he had put himſelfe in for his ſake, and notwithſtandyng howe hee was yet vnkindely dealte with that through truſte of his promiſed ayde and aſſiſtaunce, he was brought out of credite in his countrey, and ſubiected vnder the commaundement and au|thoritie of his enimie, and wrongfully diſap|poynted of his right, whiche he looked to haue recouered, and to haue bene mainteyned there|in, by his ſupporte.