[1] About the ſame time, through practiſe of the Abbot of Paſley, brother to the Gouernour, and others, [...]e Caſtell Edenburgh [...]ed to [...] Gouer| [...] vſe. the Caſtell of Edenburgh was go [...] out of the hands of Sir Peter Chreichton, and the keeping thereof committed by the Gouernours appoyntment, vnto Iames Hamilton, Lard of Stane houſe: but the Earle of Lennox, with the aſſiſtance of the Earles of Huntley, Argile, and others of the Frenche faction in Auguſt follo|wing, [...] yong [...]eene con| [...] to Ster| [...]g. conueyd the yong Queene with hir mo|ther from Lithgew vnto Sterling. The Car|dinall alſo was there with them lately before, hauing corrupted his keepers, & gotten abroade at libertie. Heerewith was a day appoynted and proclaymed for the Coronation of the yong Queene. The Earle of Arrane then gouer|nour, with the Erles of Angus, Caſſils, the Lordes Maxwell, Someruile, and diuers o|thers, called the Engliſh Lords, remayning ſtil at Edenburgh, aduertiſed the King of Englãd of all the driftes of Leuenox, and other of that faction, requiring his aduice and counſell howe to deale for the diſappoynting of their purpoſes, that ſoughte to continue the ani [...]e ſtill wyth Fraunce, to the preiudice of peace with En|gland.