[1] [2] The Earle of Angus ſente home into Scotlande.Likewiſe the King of England ſent wyth them the Earle of Angus, and his brother Sir George Dowglas with his letters to the Go|uernoure, requeſting effectuouſly, yt they mighte be reſtored to their roomthes, lands, and poſſeſ|ſions in that Realme.1542 Theſe Lords arriuing at Edenburgh aboute the middes of Ianuary, declared to the Gouernoure their meſſage and propoſition made by the King of Englande, with ſuch efficacie, that the Gouernour beeyng perſwaded thereto by their wordes, ſente for the Lords and nobilitie of the Realme to come vn|to Edenburgh to a conuention,A conuention of the Scottiſh nobilitie. there to be hol|den the ſeauen and twentith of that preſent mo|neth, where they concluded that a Parliamente ſhoulde bee kepte in Marche next enſuing, and doubting leaſt the Cardinall (beeing there pre|ſent) ſhould goe about to perſwade the nobilitie not to conſent to their deſires, they cauſed hym to be put in warde within the Caſtell of Dal|keth, The Cardinall committed to warde. the Lord Seton being appoynted to haue the cuſtody of him.