[1] [2] Moreouer, immediately after the Kynges death (bycauſe he deceaſſed without making a|ny will, or taking any direction for the gouerne|mente eyther of the Realme, or cuſtody of the yong Queene hys daughter) Dauid Beaton,Dauid Beaton Cardinall. Cardinall and Archbyſhop of S. Androwes, the ſpeciall miniſter and factor of the Frenche cauſes, to the aduancement and continuaunce thereof, [...]forging of [...]ll. inuented and forged a will and Teſta|ment of the late King now departed, in whiche among other things, hee eſtabliſhed hymſelfe chief [...] regent, adioyning with him the Garles of Murrey [...], ba [...]e brother to the Kyng deceaſſed, Huntley and Argile, not once mentioning the Garle of Lennox, then abſent in Fraunce, nor yet Iames Earle of Arraine his Couſin,The Prote|ſtants eſpyed the Cardinals craftie iug|ling. bee|ing there preſent in Scotland. Thoſe that pro|feſſed the reformed Religion, being then called Proteſtantes, to whome the ſayde Cardinall was [...]uer [...] cruell enimie and ſharp ſcourge, eſ|pyed forth his vniuſt dealing in this behalfe, and truſting by the gentle nature and good inclina|tion of the ſayd Earle of Arraine, to haue ſome libertie to imbrace the Goſpell, ſet him againſte the Cardinall, ſo that by the helpe of his owne and their friendes, he remoued the Cardinal and his adherents from the vſurped roomth and au|thoritie, and therewith was the ſayde Earle of Arraine proclaymed gouernour and protector of the Realme.