[1] [2] The king go|eth to the weſt borders.Shortly after, the kyng of Scotlande went himſelf in perſon vnto the Weſt marches of his realme, where the Lord Maxwell was War|den, whom togither with the Erles of Caſſels, and Glencarne, and certaine other Lordes there with him, the king appointed to inuade the En|gliſh marches on that ſide, taking with them the power of the bordurers, and ſente alſo with them Oliuer Sincler,Oliuer Sin+cler. & the reſidue of the Gen|tlemen of his houſholde. Theſe Erles & Lordes entring into Englande on S. Katherines euen beyng the .xxiiij. of Nouember, began to burne certayne townes vpõ the water of Eſke: but as ſoone as the ſcrye was rayſed in the countrey,The Lorde Wharton. the Lord Quharton Warden of the weſt mar|ches of Englande, ſodenly rayſed the power of the countrey, and came to a little hill, where they ſhewed themſelues in ſight vnto the Scot|tiſhe army. The Scottiſhe Lordes percey|uyng the Engliſhmen gathered, aſſembled thẽ|ſelues togither, and enquired who was Lieute|naunt general there by the Kings appointmẽt, and incontinently Oliuer Sincler was holden vp on twoo mennes ſhoulders,The enuy of the Lordes a|gaynſt Oliuer Sincler. where he ſhew|eth foorth the Kings commiſſion, inſtituting him Liuetenant to the Kyng of that armie: but how ſoeuer that was redde, the Erles and Lordes there preſent, thought themſelues em|baſed too much to haue ſuche a meane Gentle|man aduaũced in authoritie aboue them all, and therefore determined not to fight vnder ſuche a Captayne, but willyngly ſuffred themſelues to be ouercome,The Scottes diſcomfited by the Engliſh men. and ſo were taken by the Engliſh men, not ſhewyng any countenaunce of defence to the contrary, and without ſlaughter of any one perſon on eyther ſide.