[1] When therefore the kyng of England had ſet foorth this declaration of the cauſes that mo|ued him to make warre agaynſt Scotlande, he prepared to proſecute the ſame bothe by ſea and lande, and hauing rigged and furniſhed diuers ſhips of warre, he ſent the ſame foorth to the ſea that they might take ſuch Scottiſhe ſhippes as were ſo returne from their voyages made into Fraunce,Scottiſhe ſhips taken. Flaunders, Denmarke, and other countreys, whether they were gone for trade of Marchandize, with whiche the Engliſh ſhippes encountred, tooke .xxviij. of the principal ſhippes of all Scotland fraught with all kinde of Mer|chãdize & riche wares, which they brought with them into the Engliſh portes.