[1] [2] [3] This yeare the King of England aduertiſed of the meeting of the Emperor, the French King,


The king of Englande ſen|deth to the K. of Scottes.

and Pope, at the Citie of Nice, doubting ſome practice to be deuiſed there agaynſt him, ſent to the king of Scotland, the L. William Howard, deſiring him as his moſt tender kinſman and ne|phew, to meete him at the citie of Yorke in Eng|lande, where he would communicate ſuch things with him, as ſhoulde be for the weale of both the realmes: and therewith the King of Englande truſting that the king of Scotlande would haue fulfilled his deſire cauſed great preparation to be made at Yorke for the receyuing of him. But al|beit the king of Scotlande was willing of him|ſelfe to haue paſſed into Englande, to haue met and ſeene his Vncle, yet after long reaſoning and deliberation of his Counſaile and Prelates aſ|ſembled for that purpoſe, caſting in their mindes (as they tooke it) what daunger might fall to him and his realme, if he ſhould paſſe into Englande, in caſe he ſhould be ſtayed and holden there, con|trarie to his will, as king Iames his predeceſſor was, hauing no ſucceſſion of his bodie: and a|gaine, for that it was certainly knowne, that the principall cauſe why the King of Englande re|quired this meeting or enteruiew, was to per|ſwade the king of Scotlande to vſe the like order in Scotlande, as he had done within his realme of England, in aboliſhing the Popes authoritie, making himſelfe ſupreme heade of the Churche, expulſing religious perſons oute of their houſes, and ſeaſing the iewels of their houſes, their lands and rentes, with ſuch like information: and if it chaunced their king ſhould attempt the like, they thought he ſhould loſe the friendſhip which was betwixt him, the Pope, the Emperor and French king, that were his great friendes and confede|rates. Herevpon they perſwaded him to ſtay, and by their aduiſe ſent pleaſant letters and meſſages vnto the ſayd king of Englande, deſiring him to haue him excuſed, for that he could not come in|to Englande at that time, hauing ſuch lettes and cauſes of abyding at home, as ſhortly he ſhoulde vnderſtande by his Ambaſſadors, which he went to ſende to him, as well for this matter as other [page 447] cauſes. [...] Iames Leyrmouth ambaſſador [...] England. And ſhortly after ſir Iames Leyrmouth was appoynted to go as Ambaſſador into Eng|land, as well to make the kings excuſe for his not comming to meet the king of England at York as alſo to make complaint vpon certaine [...]|ſions made by the borderers of Englande into Scotland and alſo for the vſing of the debatable ground betwixt the two Realmes.


The King of England mes [...] make [...]e into Scotland.

But the king of England ſore offended that the king of Scot|lande woulde not ſatiſfie his requeſt, to meete him at Yorke (as before is recited, would admitte no excuſe, but determined to make warre into Scotland, albeit as the Scottiſhmen alledge hee would not ſuffer the ſame to be vnderſtood, till he had prepared all things in a readineſſe: and in the meane time ſent Commiſſioners to meete with the Scots cõmiſſioners vpon the debatable groũd to talk for redreſſe to be made of harmes done vp|on the borders, but no good concluſion coulde be agreed vpon by theſe commiſſioners, neither tou|ching the debatable land, nor yet for reparing of wrongs done by inuaſions.