[1] In the Moneth of May, ſir Iohn Borth|wike, commonlye called Capitayne Borth|wike, ſuſpected, defamed, and accuſed of hereſie,Captain Borth|wike accuſed of hereſie. was ſommoned to appeare in Saint Andrewes before the Cardinall, and diuerſe other Biſhops and Prelates there preſent, where notwithſtan|ding his abſence, the ſame being proued by ſuffi|cient witneſſe agaynſt him (as was thought) hee was conuict and declared an heretike: An ymage was made to reſemble him, and at the Market croſſe of the ſayd Citie, as a ſigne and a memori|all of his condemnation, it was burned, to the feare and example of other, but he himſelfe eſca|ped their handes and got into Englande, where he was receyued.