[1] [2] After this, the Queene wente vnto Saint Iohns towne, where ſhe was honourably recey|ued with great triumph made by the towne.The King and Queene at Aberdine. She was accompanied with the principall men of the Countrey, and from thence ſhee roade to Aber|dine, the king being then come vnto hir, where by the Towne and Vniuerſitie, they were receyued with great ioy, triumph, Pageants, verſes, and playes, ſet forth in ye beſt maner for their paſtime. They remayned there the ſpace of fiftene dayes, and were highly enterteyned by the Biſhop of that place. There were exerciſes and diſputati|ons helde in all kinde of ſciences in the Colledges and Schooles, with diuerſe Orations made in Greeke, Latine, and other languages, to the high prayſe and commendation of the maiſters and ſtudents in that Vniuerſitie.