[1] This Sommer the Queene remayning at Striueling,The Queene deliuered of a|nother ſonne. was deliuered of an other Prince, which was baptiſed in the Chapel of Striueling, and cleped Arthure, but within eight dayes after, the ſame Prince deceaſſed at Striueling afore|ſayde,The two yong princes depar|ted this life. and the verie ſame daye, Prince Iames the kings eldeſt ſonne being at Saint Andrews departed this life alſo in ſuch wiſe that there was but onely ſixe houres betwixt the time of theyr departures out of this worlde which cauſed no leſſe lamentation through the whole Realmes than there was ioy at their byrthes.