[1] This yeare in the moneth of Auguſt ſir Ia|mes Hamilton of Finhart knight,


Sir Iames Ha|milton areſted

remayning as then in the towne of Edenbourgh, was arreſted by Dauid Wood Comptroller to the king, who charged him in the kings name to go vnto ward within the Caſtell of Edenbourgh, which com|maundement he willingly obeyed, thinking him|ſelfe ſure ynough, as well by reaſon of the good ſeruice he had done to the king ſpecially in repa|ring the Palaces of Striueling & Lin [...]igew, as alſo for that the king had him into high fauour, [page 446] that he ſtoode in no feare of himſelfe at all. Ne|uertheleſſe ſhortly after he was brought foorth to iudgement, and conuict in the Tolbuith of E|denbrough,Sir Iames Ha|milton be|headed. of certaine poyntes of treaſon layde agaynſt him, which he would neuer confeſſe, but that notwithſtanding, he was beheaded the day of September next enſuing.