[1] From thence trauayling through the reſidue of the Iles, Maclane, and Iames Maconile of Kinter, being the two principal Captaines of the ſmall Iles, [...] Iles [...]th to [...] order. came likewiſe to the king, who at length landed at Dunbretaine, and ſent the cap|tayns and ſhips with priſoners to paſſe the ſame, way he came rounde aboute the coaſt ſo to come to Edenbourgh, where the ſame priſoners beeing arriued, the chiefe heades of them were kept in ward as pledges for good rule in their Countries, and were not ſuffred to depare ſo long as the king liued, whereby there followed greate quietneſſe, and as good obedience to the lawes throughout al the Iles, as there was in any part of the realm, and as good account and payment made to the kings Comptroller in his Exchequer, for the lands of the ſame Iles perteyning to the crowne, as for any part of the reuenues belonging there|vnto within the maine land.