[1] The King therefore to bring them to order, cauſed to prepare a good nauie of ſhippes, and in [page 445] the Moneth of May went abourde the ſame in the road of Lieth, hauing with him the Earles of Arrane, [...]e king ſay| [...] North| [...]es to the [...] Orkney [...] others. Huntley, Argile, and diuerſe other Erles, Lordes, and Barons, with whom he ſayled forth by the coaſtes of Fiffe, Angus, Aderdin by Mur|rey fyr [...]h, Southerlande, and Cathenes, tyll bee came to Orkeney, where he landing and all hys companie with him, were receyued right honou|rably by the Biſhop Robert Maxwell. Here they furniſhed themſelues with [...] vittailes, and o|ther ſuch things as were neceſſarie, and taking the ſeas aga [...]ie, ſayled to the Iles of Skie, and Lewis, where Mac Clewd of the Lewis, a prin|cipall clan of his kin, was brought vnto the king, who ſent forth alſo a cõpanie vnto Mac Clewd haugh, who came likewiſe out of his Ile, and preſented him ſelfe to the king.