[1] The maſter of Forbes be|headed.Shortly after Iohn maiſter of the Forbes, and eldeſt ſonne to the Lord Forbes, who had maried a ſiſter of the ſayd Ladie Glames, was at Eden|bourgh likewiſe indyted and conuict by an aſſiſe for the like conſpiracie of the kings death, for the which he was beheaded and quartered, and hys heade and quarters ſet aloft vppon the gates of Edenbourgh. His father the Lorde Forbes vpon ſuſpition of the ſame conſpiracie was long after kept in priſon within the caſtell of Edenbourgh, but at length when nothing might be proued a|gainſt him, he was releaſed and ſet at libertie.