[1] This noble Ladie with hir louely counte|nance and ſeemely demeanour, at hir firſt arri|uall wanne the loues and beartie good willes of all the Nobles and people of the Realme, & with|all contented ſo highly the minde and fantaſie of the king hir huſband, that there was neuer more hope of wealth and proſperitie to ſucceede with|in the realme, than at that preſent: but fortune enuying ſo greate felicitie, woulde not ſuffer them to continue any long tyme togyther: for aboute the ende of Iune ſhee fell ſicke of a vehe|ment Feuer,Queene Mag|dalen depar|teth this Iſle. whereof ſhee departed thys lyfe the tenth of Iulye nexte enſuyng, and was bu|ryed in the Churche of holye Roode houſe, for whoſe death the Kyng was ryghte ſor|rowfull, and ſtyrred not abroade of a long time after.