[1] Finally, the king and his wife Queene Mag|dalen tooke their leaue of the king of France their father at Paris, about the latter ende of Aprill, and ſo roade to Rouen, where they were receyued with great triumph, and from thence they paſſed downe the ryuer to Newhauen where they em|barked, being accompanied by the Admirall of France, and many other noble men of the realme appoynted by the French king to attende vpon them into Scotlande, and ſo they ſayled forth [page 444] with pleaſaunt winde and proſperous weather, through the Seas,The king with his Queene re|turneth into Scotland. vntill they came into the Forth, and there landed at the peare of Lieth Ha|uen, the .xxix. of May, in the yeare .1537. where a great number of Earles, Biſhoppes, Barons, and other Noble men and Gentlemen of Scot|lande were readie to receyue them with paſſing ioy and gladneſſe, and from thence with greate tryumph they were conueyed to the Abbey of Holyroode houſe.