[1] Immediately after his arriuall,Herydeth to Vandoſme. he made in ſecrete maner diſguiſed vnto Vandoſmes in Pi|card [...]e, taking with him but one ſeruaunt named Iohn Tennent, whom he cauſed to take vppon him as he had beene maiſter, and ſo comming to the Duke of Vandoſme his place, got ſight of the Ladie who ſhuld haue bin his wife, but not liking hir, hee returned againe without talking eyther with hir or hir friendes, and comming to Rouen where his companie were abyding for him, hee paſſed from thence towarde Paris, where the Dolphin of Fraunce was appoynted by the king his father to meete him ſeuen leagues from the Citie, who brought him to the King, who recey|ued [page 443] him in ſuch heartie maner, as if he had beene his owne ſonne,He is receiued into Paris. and with as muche honour as might haue beene ſhewed to the greateſt Prince in earth.