[1] Ambaſsadors into France.About the ſame tyme, were ſent into France Dauid Beton Abbot of Arbroith, and Iames Erlkyn Secretarie as Ambaſſadors to require the Duke of Vandoſmes ſiſter in mariage for the King, with which motion the Ladie and hir friendes were verie well contented,The king him+ſelfe paſseth ſecretly into Fraunce. neuertheleſſe (as afterwardes ſhall appeare) the King himſelfe paſſing ſecretely into Fraunce in proper perſon, when he had once ſeene the Ladie, he liked hir not, and ſo became a ſuyter to the French king his el|deſt daughter Magdalen, whome hee obteyned, wherefore the duke of Vandoſmes ſiſter woulde neuer after match hirſelf with any other in mari|age, but profeſſed hirſelf in a houſe of Religion, where ſhe remained the reſidue of hir life time.