[1] Further it was agreed, that for a perpetuall peace to be concluded, certaine Commiſſioners ſhould be appoynted to treate thereof at London, as afterwardes they did. For the king of Scot|lande there were ſent as Commiſſioners aboute this treatie, William Stewarde Biſhop of A|bardine, the Abbot of [...]in [...]os, & ſir Adam Ster|burie knight, the which accompanied with diuers other knightes, barons, and gentlemen, came to [page 442] London, and were there right honourably recey|ued the .xxv. of March,1524 after they had beene be|fore the kings preſence, there were certaine Com|miſſioners appointed by him to treate with them of peace,A peace con|cluded. the which agreed vpon certaine condi|tions and articles for a peace to continue betwixt both kings during their naturall lines, and one yeare after the deceaſe of that prince, which fyaſt chaunced to depart this worlde, and ſo the Com|miſſioners returned into Scotland in the moneth of May next enſuing.