[1] In September, in the yeare .1533. certaine Commiſſioners of either Realme were at New|caſtell to treate for redreſſe,1533 and recompenes to be made for the burning of townes and villages, ta|king of goodes, downe caſting of pyles, taking of ſhips, ſlaughters of men, and diuerſe other ſpoy|les and iniuries done, as well by the Sea as by the lande, from the .xxiij. day of Aprill in the yere 1532. vnto the day of the meeting of the ſame cõ|miſſioners, which doings were little leſſe in effect than had bene vſed in tyme of open warre, al|though the ſame was not proclaimed. Bycauſe therefore that the ſkath and iniuries fell out to be to greate on both ſides, that particular redreſſe coulde not bee had, the order thereof was referred to the pleaſure of both the Princes.