Snippet: 3791 of 4297 (1577, Volume 2, p. 441)
[1] The firſt of Marche, in the yeare .1530. the Abbot of Culroſe called Inglis,
An Abbot murthered.
was crueltye murthered by the Lorde of Tulliallan and hys ſeruants,
amongeſt whome there was a Prieſt called ſir William Louthien, for the which
they were apprehended, and the ſayde ſir William the xxvij. of the ſame moneth,
vpon a publike ſhal|folde in Edenbourgh was degraded, (the King, Queene, and a
great companie of people beeing preſent) and after his degradation, he was
dely|uered to the Earle of Argile high Iuſtice, and the next day the ſayd
Tulliallan, and the ſame prieſt were beheaded.