[1] About this ſeaſon,Iohn Scotte faſted fortie dayes, without receyuing any foode. a landed man named Iohn Scotte, that had trauelled abroade in the world, and nowe beeyng returned into Scotland, & by|cauſe it was bruted in other Countreys hee had faſted xl. dayes without either meate or drinke, [page 441] was for royall thereof put in Dauids Tower in Edenbourgh Caſtell, and diligent watch ſet vp|on him to [...] that hee had no ſuſtenaunce to re|lieue him withall, and ſo kept for fortie dayes, hee faſted all that tyme wythout any kinde of nouriſhment, to the greate woonder of the people.