[1] The eightenth of May, in the yeare .1529. 1529 the Earle of Cathnes and the Lord of Sincler with a greate armye by Sea,The Earle of Cathnes paſ|ſeth ouer into Orkeney. paſſed into Orkeney to haue taken that Iſle into poſſeſſion, but the peo|ple of the Countrey aſſembled at the commaun|demente of Iames Sincler of Kirkew all theyr Captaine, who gaue battell to the Earle and his army with ſuch courage,The Earle of Cathoes ſlaine that he diſconi [...]ted the enimies: the Earle with fiue hundred of his men was ſlayne, and drowned in the Sea, vnto the [figure appears here on page 440] which they were driuen.