Snippet: 3779 of 4297 (1577, Volume 2, p. 439)
[page 440] And ſhortly after the ſame He [...]ult was ſent vnto him againe with commaundement frõ the K. that he
ſhould remayne priſoner within ward in the Countrey of Murrey till the Kings
plea|ſure were further knowen: whiche he woulde not obey: wherefore both he and
his adherents were ſommoned to appeare in Parliament to be hol|den at
Edenburgh, in September nexte follo|wing. In this Parliament begun at Edenburgh
the ſixth of September in this yeare .1528. ye Erle of Angus, with his brother George Dowglas, his Vncle by his
father Archembald Dowglas, Alexander Drommond of Caruo [...] and dyuers other,
The Earle of Angus for|falted.
The Earle of Angus attain|ted by Parlia|ment.
were by [...] of Parliament atteynted, and forfalted for diuers offences, and
eſpecially, for aſſembling the kings people to haue aſſayled the kings perſon,
and bycauſe he had deteyned ye king againſt his will with him the ſpace of two
yeres and more, al which time he ſtood in feare of his life.Hẽry Steward created Lorde of Methwen. In this Parliament, Henry
Stewarde ye Queenes huſband, was created L.
of Methwen, and made maſter of the ordinance. In October following, the K.
aſſembled a great company of men with artilleire, and diuers kind coniunctiõ,
to beſiege the Caſtell of Tantallo [...],The Caſtell of Tantallo [...] beſieged. whiche the Erle of Angus [...]ride, who aduertiſed of the pre|paratiõ made for ye ſame ſiege,
furniſhed the Ca|ſtel with mẽ, & all kind of neceſſaries, &
we [...] him|ſelf into England. When the ſiege thẽ was laid about the Caſtell,
it was ſo ſtrong and ſo well prouided, that it might not be wonne for all that
[...]ede bee done at that ſeaſon, in ſomuch, yt after Dauid Fauconer,Dauid Fawco|ner ſlayne. principal gunner of the kings
ſide, was ſlayne, the K. cauſed ye ſiege to be reiſed: yet at lẽgth (though
not til a lõg time after this) it was deliuered to the King by