[1] The eyghtenth of March [...],Edenburgh Caſtell be|ſieged. the Kyng beſie|ged the Caſtell of Edenburgh, the Queene and hir huſband Henrye Steward, with Iames hys brother beeing within it. But as ſoone as the Queene vnderſtoode, that hir ſonne the Kyng was therein perſon, ſhe cauſed the gates to be ſet open, and vpon hir knees, beſought him of grace for hir huſband and his brother, and woulde not reſt, till ſhee hadde obteyned the ſame, but yet they were kept in warde within the Caſtell, tyll the King afterwards releaſed them.