[1] In this meane time, the Archbiſhop of Saint Andrewes, and the Earles of Arrane, Arguile, and Murrey, remaining with the Queene of Striueling, alledged that the king was wyth|holden frõ them by the E. of Angus, ſore againſt his wil, and therefore they ſente vnto the Earle, requiring him to deliuer him: but ye Erle cauſed the K. to giue the anſwere himſelf, that he would not come from the Erle of Angus, albeit he wold gladly haue bin out of his hands if he might, as by ſecret meſſage ſent to ſundry of the lordes, like|wiſe at that time it appeared, for he willed the b [...] priuie meanes to aſſemble an army, and to come & fetch him out of their handes that thus deceiued him. Herevpon ſhortly after, they rayſed a power,The Queene mother in armes. and comming therewith to Linlithgew, purpo|ſed to paſſe vnto Endenburgh, yt they might get the K. out of the Erle of Angus his handes: the ſaid Erle wt the Earle of Lennox & other his aſ|ſiſtants being thereof aduertiſed, came to ye fielde wt the kings banne diſplayed, & brought the king with him, although partly againſt his wil.