[1] In this Parliament, there were eight Lordes choſen to bee of the Kinges priuie counſell,Counſelors appointed. the whyche tooke the Gouernemente of the Kyng and Realme vpon them, as theſe: The Archbi|ſhops of S. Andrews and Glaſquho, the biſhops of Aberden and Dunblane: The Earles of An|gus, Argyle, Arrane, and Lennox: the Quene was adioyned to them as principall, withoute whoſe aduice nothing ſhould be done. From this Parliament alſo was the Erle of Caſſels ſente, with anſwere vnto the King of Englande: hee come to London the ninteenth of Marche. But bicauſe the king had knowledge, that the French King was [...]en at the battaile of Pauie, hee woulde not proceede in the treatie of marryage betwixte the kyng of Scotlande and his daugh|ter, till he had the Emperours aduice,Truce ten [...]ed. whome he affirmed to bee his confederate friend, and in re|nuing the truce for three yeares and ſyxe mo|nethes, the Ambaſſadours returned into Scot|land about the beginning of Aprill next enſuing without any contract of mariage at that time. The Argument betwixt the Queene and Lords continued not long for anone after died the Bi|ſhop of Dũkeld, whoſe benefice the E. of Angus obtained of, the king for his brother W. Dow|glas, without the aduice of the Queene and other Lords, wherevpon the Q. departed and went vn|to Striueling,The King not in his owne power. leauing the king wt the Erle of An|gus; who togither wt the Erle of Lennox toke the whole rule and gouernemẽt of ye Realme and K. vpon him, & made his Vncle Archimbald Dow|glas, treaſourer of the Realme, and then the ſaide Earles of Angus and Lennox beſtowed be|nefices, offices, and al other things, by the aduice of George Dowglas, brother to the ſaide Earle of Angus and others of that faction.